What Causes Hair Loss and What Hair Restoration Procedures are Available?

Are you aware of the term “Androgenic alopecia?” Well, it is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is estimated that about 40% of men notice baldness by the age of 40. This percentage increases with increasing age.

In women, hair loss may either be distributed causing generalized alopecia or more localized to the frontal region as in men.

Androgenic alopecia

Men usually begin to notice baldness along the frontal hairline which recedes with advancing age and deepens along the temporal region. The hairline becomes narrower and higher with time.

Although androgenic alopecia leads to most of the cases of hair loss, it is also essential to keep in mind that hair loss have other causes too. There are numerous medicines that cause hair loss as a side effect. Some of them include medicines to depression, hypertension, hormonal imbalance, and treat gout.

Hence, one of the most common questions that people have is which are the best hair transplant procedures in NY?

Well, the following blog will provide you information regarding the hair plant procedure in New York and more. Keep reading!

How can plastic surgeons treat hair loss?

Patients considering hair restoration surgery must have realistic expectations as for any elective cosmetic procedure. We lose nearly 50% of our hair before noticing baldness. Furthermore, this surgery may restore or create a frontal hairline and add dentistry to the crown area but will not return an individual’s hairline to the density. This is simply because of the limited supply of donor follicles that are available at the back of the head. Nevertheless, most of the patients who are fit for the procedure of hair transplantation are happy and satisfied with the final results.

Next, Hair restoration technology has improved drastically since its inception in the 1960s. Early hair restoration consisted of excising a big portion of the scalp with its hair follicles from the back of the head. This was known as the FUT (follicular unit transplant) method.

Current techniques used by the surgeons is the use of the FUE(follicular unit extraction). The surgeons use advanced semi automatic devices that extracts the hair follicles. The entire process is less invasive than the older FUT method and avoids the need of sutures. The scalp heals and no linear scar is created on the backside of the head. Hair loss is reduced because there is nothing on the scalp. Because the entire process is less invasive, patients do not experience discomfort, swelling, etc. There is also minimal manipulation of the hair follicles so graft survival is maximized.

Additionally, the three most common devices used for the surgery are the Artas, Smart Graft, and Neograft. The Neograft device has been in use for the longest time period of these three devices.

Results appear regardless of which device is employed and are more dependent upon the experience of the team versus the device.


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