What you should know about thread lifting treatment in NY?

The latest technology in the facelift industry is the thread lifting treatment. Late last year, FDA approved of the new variation of quite an older procedure. The threadlifting treatment in NY uses the absorbable and temporary sutures to achieve the results of surgical facelift.

The original thread lift began in late 90s and was done until mid 2000s. While the procedure went out of use about 10 years back, the recent innovation is bringing the thread lift back.

What is thread lifting treatment?
The thread lift treatment is also known as lunchtime lift. It is a non-invasive face lift procedure that sculpts the mid and lower face by using the absorbable sutures. Using the new and latest technology, the procedure cuts the time to an hour.

How does the thread lifting treatment work?
The absorbable sutures are fashioned from the biodegradable polymers  that lifts and contours the lower and mid part of the face. The sutures are inserted beneath the skin. It tightens and lift the areas with problem. The problem areas generally include loss of volume in jowls, cheeks, neck and even lips. The procedure also stimulates the body to produce collagen especially in the areas where sutures are placed.
The sutures become similar to small cones that work like an umbrella tightening the skin. Some patients get a bit of inflammation which is very normal.

Thread Lifts: Now and Then
Previously, the sutures were created from the barbed thread. They were challenging to work with, and were extremely limited to lift and tighten the skin. The latest sutures are created from the biodegradable materials that get absorbed in the skin.  Plus, they don’t need to be anchored in the tissue making them very easy to lift the skin. They also give the skin a three dimensional appearance.

Thread Lift vs. Liquid facelift
Unlike liquid facelift, the thread lift takes less time with the recovery time of a day or two. As each patient is different, the results can be different. While the thread lift won’t be replacing the liquid facelifts, they are quickly becoming on the go to procedure in New York.

Want to know more about the thread lifting treatment in NY? Contact Dr. Ariel Ostad. He is one of the leading cosmetic surgeon with experience in the thread lifting procedure.


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