Excessive Sweating: Causes and Treatment

Excessive sweating is a problem that hits 4 out of every 10 people on an average. The problem of excessive sweating can be embarrassing but is a body disorder that requires immediate care. People suffering from this disorder can also opt for medical treatments related to permanent sweat reduction in Queens . Excessive sweating, commonly known as Hyperhidrosis, Polyhidrosis, or Suddorrhea is a condition in which the body sweats more than usual. This excessive sweating generally affects the underarms, palms, forehead, and feet. Hyperhidrosis can be categorized into two parts: Primary Hyperhidrosis: Primary Hyperhidrosis doesn't hold any specific reason behind its occurrence in the body. The main target areas are palms, underarms, scalp, forehead, feet and face. A person suffering from primary hyperhidrosis experiences excessive sweating generally during daytime on getting exposed to sun and humid climatic conditions. However, this disorder can be genetic as ...